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Directory > Europe > Italy

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All information about insurances in cities and countries of the EU.

Italy Chamber of Commerce

Their mission is the development of the general interest of the system of the enterprises and the local economy, through a synthesis that conciliates the requirements of the main fields, represented in the Chamber from the category associations.

Italian Technical Analysis Society

The society was founded in 1986 as a not-for-profit professional organization to: encourage the use of Technical Analysis in the investment decisions-making process; support the exchange of information, ideas and researches to improve the circulation of the technical knowledge among the members; estabilish, maintain and encourage the practice of Technical Analysis in a professional and ethical manner. | forex trading | online mini futures

Banca d'Italia

Together with the other national central banks of the EU members countries and the European Central Bank, the Bank of Italy forms part of the European System of Central Banks, where it helps to determine monetary policy stance and decisions for the entire euro area; and in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, it implements that policy in Italian money and financial markets.

Banca Popolare di Bergamo

Superregional bank based in Lombardy. The first banca popolare to be quoted on the main listing of the Milan Stock Exchange.


Cerved has been the leading provider of professional information for companies in Italy for twenty years. In business since 1975, it provides the broadest range of information for the world of business.

The Trading Zone

Banca di Roma

In over 20 nations with 17 affiliates and 8 official representatives in the world, Banca di Roma is a grand network, in the United States and in Canada, in Great Britain and Japan. We work 24 hours a day with the most important markets. (in Italian)

Nosenzo Insurance Brokers Srl

Consultancy and brokerage; Lloyd's of London correspondent.

The Generali Group

The Generali Group has a vast, diversified network of international interests that make it the largest insurer in Italy and one of the most important in Europe and the world.

Studio Parlati

For several years Studio Parlati has been engaged in high level management consulting. We provide experience and professionalism through our work and our partners. Our mission is to support our clients in business development and improvement, particularly in Northern Italy and Eastern Europe. Our goal is to provide excellent support for your company.

Aletti Bank

Aletti & C Financial Bank is a specialized intermediary in the performance of services of movable investment. To the center of our efforts there is always the attention to our customers - they are private savers, enterprises or institutional investors - to which we offer services personalized and of high caliber, with one particular attention to the opportunities offered from the globalization of the markets. (in Italian)

Banca Akros

Akros bank is the investment banking of the group Popular Bank of Milan. The activity of Akros Bank spaces from the " market making " to the intermediation of financial instruments, from the subscriptions and placements of shares and bond with the relative quotations in Ag, to the development of innovative services and the private ones banking, but it does not comprise the traditional activity of financing to the companies.

Toscana Houses

ToscanaHouses is a project founded in 1997 by Ercolani Estate Agency and an initial group of other estate agencies in the Siena region. The initial scope was that of utilising the web as a means of communication for the selling of properties and as a way of cooperating together without the boundaries set by the competition.

Banca Alpi Marittime

Here is MITO, the new created On-Line service in order to offer the possibility to operate on the financial markets in way sure express and from house, the office or in travel. (in Italian)

Banca Carige

It has beyond 250 shops in seven regions of North, Italy Center and islands: Liguria, Piemonte, Lombardy, Emilia, Tuscany, Veneto and Sardinia. To the foreign country it has offices of representation to Frankfurt, London, Madrid, New York and Paris, mandate offices to Algeri, Casablanca, Moscow, Beijing and Tunisi and, from 1994, it has one filial to Nizza in France. (in Italian)

Banca Cattolica

CattolicaOnline is the virtual "bank" of the Catholic of Montefiascone through which consulting and operating on the own relationships and to act with timeliness in Ag. (in Italian)

International Business Consultants Italy is a network of associated firms and professionals experienced in providing a full range of business and investment services, including legal and tax, to businesses involved in domestic and/or international commercial transactions at a cost even small businesses can afford.

Studio Montagliari

Real Estate specialist in Tuscany, Italy.


If you want to buy an italian house, farm, condominium or villa in Lago Maggiore, on the Riviera, in Liguria, in Cinque Terre or in Versilia/Toscany - we offer you much more than the others.

Gruppo Smile

Bologna-based dynamic insurance agency specializing in life insurance and investment funds.

La Borsa Valori Italiana

Provides market data, listed companies profile, intermediaries, and options and futures.

Obbligazioni bonds


Stocks Abroad

Home for investing in Europe Stocks

Italian cultural Institute

Italian Institutions worldwide. Italian Cultural Institutes · Italian Embassies · Italian Consulates · etc...

Italian Institutions

English links to italian institutions

Ministry of Affairs

Official Site of the italian ministry of affairs

CIA -- The World Factbook: Italy

Italy became a nation-state belatedly - in 1861 when the city-states of the peninsula and Sicily were united under King Victor EMMANUEL. The Fascist dictatorship of Benito MUSSOLINI that took over after World War I led to a disastrous alliance with Nazi Germany and Italian defeat in World War II. Revival followed. Italy was a charter member of NATO and the European Economic Community (EEC) and joined the growing political and economic unification of Western Europe, including the introduction of the euro in 1999. Persistent problems include illegal immigration, the ravages of organized crime, corruption, high unemployment, and the low incomes and technical standards of southern Italy compared with the more prosperous north.

Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimo

Casa Italiana Zerilli-Mariṃ, home of the Department of Italian Studies at New York University, was born thanks to a generous and handsome donation from the Baroness Mariuccia Zerilli-Mariṃ. The donation consisted of the purchase and complete restoration of the 19th century household--whose architecture is very characteristic of Greenwich Village--situated at 24 West 12th Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, a few blocks from Washington Square. During the press conference at which the project was announced (May 9, 1988), Doctor Brademas, then-President of New York University, declared that the farseeing generosity of Baroness Zerilli-Mariṃ would enable the University to develop a true program of cultural relations and reinforce ties with the civilization of Dante Alighieri, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

Study in Italy

Non-Eu citizens outside Italy The provisions described here below concern non-Eu citizens living outside Italy, including those who benefit of scholarships autonomously attributed by the goverments of their home countries. Such foreign citizens have access to Italian H.Ed. courses on the basis of quotas fixed by Italian H.Ed. institutions. On the contrary, the following provisions do not concern those non-Eu citizens who benefit of a certain type of scholarships (go to special scholarships).

Orrick Italian Finance

Lawyers in Orrick's Italian Finance Group represent a wide range of clients in the banking, finance and securitization industries, including lenders, borrowers, purchasers, originators and conduits in a variety of loan and securitization transactions involving numerous structures. In addition, the Italian Finance Group handles general public finance transactions, securitisation transactions related to public assets (such as infrastructure receivables towards public entities, receivables related to the water system, receivables related to the health system, and proceeds related to the sale of public real estate, among others), bond issues of public entities (including euro medium-term programs), and derivative products connected to public entities from the perspective of arrangers, originators and investors.

Financial Insights

Overview This Financial Insights study analyzes the most important trends, needs, and priorities of the Italian financial services industry. It also provides IT spending size and forecasts for the Italian financial services sector and a comparison with the Western European average and with the Italian economy as a whole. For this reason, this study represents an important support for IT vendors targeting the Italian arena. In addition, the study provides insights not only for the banking and insurance sectors but also on the situation and trends of Italian stock exchanges, asset management companies, and security brokers. Because the Italian banking arena presents a high level of complexity and there will be significant changes in terms of both market structure and regulations, it is strategically relevant for IT vendors to understand the trends and future requirements of Italian financial institutions. In particular, according to Mirko Corbetta, research analyst for Financial Insights: European IT Opportunity: Financial Services research, "The Italian banking panorama is changing its ways to compete in the international arena. Italian banks will adapt to new market regulations and to catch the new opportunities generated by a new way of doing business and by the most recent cross-border M&A operations. Because the level of complexity is quite high and IT is at the basis of the banking system and it has strongly increased its impact on the insurance business, the financial services sector is certainly an attractive place for IT vendors willing to target the Italian arena."

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