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    Business Plans

American Express Small Business Exchange

American Express Small Business Exchange has a workshop will help you create a business plan to guide your business through the start-up or growth phase, a search for capital, or any other endeavor your Small Business undertakes.


BizPlanIt.Com is an Internet-based business plan consulting firm that provides professional business plan consulting services and hundreds of pages of free business plan advice.

BPlans is is site that offers help with start-up plans, helps you find a planning consultant as well as other articles and information on wyas of creating business plans to meet your needs. | forex trading | online mini futures

MIT Enterpise Forum

MIT Enterpise Forum has a list of resources focused entirely or substantially on ways of writing a business plan.

UCA Small Business Advancement National Center

Small Business Advancement National Center offers a downloadable business plan that wil outline ways for you to construct your very own business plan.

National Association for the Self-Employed

NASE offers Business, Personal and Health benifits to members. Members are also privleged to attend seminars and conferences to help them with their business concerns.

The Trading Zone

Semaphore is software development company which provides offshore, outsourcing and onsite,Application Development, website design,BPO and software development.we offers IT solutions to USA, UK,India website design,BPO and software development.we offers IT solutions to USA, UK,India

semaphore infotech

Development in Microsoft .Net, VB.NET, C#, Java, J2EE, SQL, Oracle, Windows Mobile, Linux, PHP, E-Commerce Solutions, Software Testing, Product Development and Design, Business Process Outsourcing and IT Solutions Outsourcing. Offshore Software Development India, Netherlands, UK, USA, Germany, Italy, France, Singapore, Bangalore.

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