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Stockholm Stock Exchange

Daily stock market updates from the Swiss stock exchange, Zurich

Madrid Stock Exchange

News and information concerning the Madrid Stock Exchange.

E*Trade Canada

Provides online trading to Canadian residents | forex trading | online mini futures

Istanbul Stock Exchange

The ISE is the only securities exchange in Turkey. We are a dynamic and growing emerging market with an increasing number of publicly traded companies, state-of-the-art technology and strong foreign participation.

Australian Stock Exchange

ASX operates Australia's primary national stock exchange for equities, derivatives and fixed interest securities and facilitates capital raisings for unlisted companies, using advanced computer systems for trading, settlement and issuer/investor matching that provide Australia-wide market access. It also provides comprehensive market data and information to a range of users.

American Stock Exchange

As the nation's second largest floor-based exchange, the American Stock Exchange has a significant presence in common stocks, index shares and equity derivative securities. On the Amex, trading is conducted through an advanced centralized Specialist system combining the speed of computer delivered orders with the liquidity of customer driven markets.

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Stock Exchange of Hong Kong

Unlike general business entities, the Exchange currently plays at least four different roles. To market users, it is a business developing and operating a central marketplace for the listing and trading of securities. At the same time, the Exchange is a regulator supervising listed issuers and its broker members. To its members, the Exchange is a membership organisation attending to their interests. And due to its position as the sole stock exchange in Hong Kong, the Exchange also has a duty to observe the interests of the public.

London Stock Exchange

The London Stock Exchange is the UK's leading stock exchange and the most international of all stock exchanges worldwide. It provides the markets and means of raising capital for UK and international companies through equity, debt and depositary receipt issues. The Exchange gives investors of all types the opportunity to buy and sell shares in the companies of their choice.

Philippine Stock Exchange

Offers an overview, daily prices, rules and regulations, press releases and a directory of listed companies.

New Zealand Stock Exchange

The purpose of the Exchange is to provide and operate an efficient market for the raising of capital for listed companies and the trading of securities, including shares and fixed interest securities such as bonds and Government stock. It is also responsible for maintaining professional standards among its members and among listed companies.

Mexican Stock Exchange

The Mexican Stock Exchange [Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) or Bolsa] is a private institution, legally incorporated as a limited company with variable capital that operates under a concession from the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and is governed by the Securities Market Act. Its shareholders consist exclusively of authorized brokerage firms, each of which owns a single share.

Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges

The mission of FEAS is to create fair, efficient and transparent market environments, with little or no barriers to trade, between the FEAS members and their operating regions.

Montreal Exchange

We will provide investors, companies and members with the most cost-effective, reliable and responsive Canadian marketplace for equities, options and future contracts.

Canadian Venture Exchange

CDNX provides benefits to market participants and others interested in seeing Canada's new economy grow. Investors can seek opportunity from a wider range of investments; analysts and other venture market watchers can track IndexCDNX, the new benchmark for small cap stocks in Canada.

Copenhagen Stock Exchange

SAXESS, the trading system for equities at the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, is accessible to all investors. Anybody can have an order placed into the system for up to 8 days at a time. No additional charges are payable and no brokerage is added to or deducted from the price. Moreover, there are no special entry requirements. The advantage: You decide the price. The drawback: There might not be a counterparty (buyer/seller) to match your price.

New York Stock Exchange

What makes the NYSE unique? Each day on the NYSE trading floor an auction takes place. Open bid and offers are shouted out by Exchange members acting on behalf of institutions and individual investors. Stock buy and sell orders funnel through a single location, ensuring that the investor, no matter how big or small, is exposed to a wide range of buyers and sellers.

Luxembourg Stock Exchange

Offers an overview, daily prices, rules and regulations, market statistics, press releases and publications.

Iceland Stock Exchange

The Exchange has been continuously evolving and dealing with major developments and changes in recent years. With the securities market growing at a record pace, the Exchange has in turn installed a new trading system, revised all its rules, greatly increased the number of staff, relocated its office space twice and at the same time considerably increased its information services to market participants, both domestic and international.

Bombay Stock Exchange

As Indian economy is opening up, the Exchange has brought its operations at par with international standards. It is poised to take advantage of changes in Indian economic deregulation to expand the market and make the security market, in India, more transparent and more liquid.

Oslo Stock Exchange

This site gives information about our three market places: shares, derivatives and bonds.

OM London Exchange

The OM London Exchange (formerly the OMLX exchange) is a recognised Investment Exchange in the UK. Today, the OM London Exchange has 90 international banks and brokerage firms as members. The OM London Exchange functions as a gateway for international risk capital to the Nordic market.

Bahrain Stock Exchange

The BSE is one of a number of developing stock markets in the region. It recognizes that its future lies in increasing the number of investors and diversifying the range of securities it lists on the Exchange. It also realizes the need for cooperation between stock markets for the long-term development of the region's capital markets.

HotCopper Australia

Australia's leading stockmarket forum.

Sao Paulo Stock Exchange

Founded in August 23, 1890, Bolsa de Valores de S„o Paulo - BOVESPA - has a long history of prestigious service to the financial institutions and economy of Brazil.

Santiago Stock Exchange

Information about the security market including a description of the markets that quote in the Exchange, the forms of operation and settlement, and the schedule and cost of transactions.

Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Deutsche Borse Group is one of the world's most successful exchange organizations. Our strengths: developing tailor-made markets and creating the European exchange organization of the future.

South African Futures Exchange

As South Africa opens up to the international standards for financial markets, we aim to continually enhance the facilities offered for trading derivatives to the local and international community alike.

Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd.

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange is poised for growth in the new millennium - and that means superb investment opportunities for you, the international investor.

Italian Stock Exchange

Italian Exchange runs the Electronic Stock Market (MTA), the Bond and Government Securities Market (MOT), the Traditional Options Market (MPR), the New Market, the Mercato Ristretto, the Italian Derivatives Market (IDEM) and the Interest Rate and Derivatives Market (MIF).

Tokyo Stock Exchange

The TSE maintains markets for securities and related futures and options, and secures the fair and smooth trading of securities in order to protect public and investor interests. In this way, the TSE resembles a public institution. In addition, the TSE's role as an international stock exchange has recently expanded due to advances in international capital flow.

Amsterdam Stock Exchange

Amsterdam Exchanges comprises the official Dutch share market, bond market, options market, financial futures market and agricultural futures market, a related clearing organisation and the Dutch central securities depository, providing a one-stop-shopping service for banks and stockbrokers.

Lisbon Stock Exchange

Information about the Portuguese market; it includes same online information about indexes and top-ten.

Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Registered users have access to more dynamic financial data, such as a selection of customisable market Indicators and an Automatically updated Indices portfolio.

Barcelona Stock Exchange

The Barcelona Stock Exchange holds a 25% stake in the national Stock Exchanges Company, which manages the trading system in the continuous Spanish Market. The remaining Spanish stock exchanges also hold the same percentages of the capital of this Company.

Taiwan Stock Exchange

This website provides easy and immediate on-line access to information and material about our market. We hope they could meet your need whether in investment in Taiwan or in deeper understanding of our market.

Caracas Stock Exchange

The CSE is an active member of the Ibero-American Federation of Stock Exchanges (IAFSE) and of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA). The Exchange is also a participant in the securities clearing and settlement system of Euroclear.

Bulgarian Stock Exchange

Provides an overview, market data, rules and regulations, press releases, a directory of listed companies and membership information.

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