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Confoederatio Helvetica

The Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation.

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

On this website there is information related to Switzerland and its foreign affairs.

Federal Department of Home Affairs

Welcome to the site of the Federal Department of Home Affairs! It aims to provide you with a survey of the numerous and widely varied activities conducted under the auspices of the Department, with its 10 offices and the sector of the Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH and EPFL) and other federal institutes. | full service & online futures trading | forex trading

Register of the official Internet sites of the Helvetic Administration and Public Services.

Federal Deparment of Justice and Police

The website for questions about swiss laws, questions about asylum in Switzerland and more.

Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection, Sport

Website for question about defense, civil protection and sports in Switzerland.

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Swiss Federal Department of Finance

Some 8000 people work in the Federal Department of Finance on a wide range of projects for Switzerland's future. The FDF plans and implements decisions of the Federal Council on resources in the following areas: Finances, Personnel, Construction and IT.

DEA Federal Department of Economic Affairs

Welcome to the Website of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs. Your gateway to information about the different activities of the Department. This is where you'll find all the latest news about the Department, about its commitments and its tasks.

Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications

In the UVEK there are more than 1700 persons devoted to the main concern of this department, namely, to assure the sustainable provision of primary services in Switzerland. We want to meet present requirements for infrastructures and at the same time to secure for future generations the chances of an intact environment.

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