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Cannon Trading Inc.

Full service and Online Trading.

L Quay

L Quay offers clients the ability to trade Sydney Futures Exchange electronically from a PC at your home or office and provides online real-time, live Sydney's Futures and Options Prices.


Mike Reed is author of TradeStalker's RBI Trader's Updates. He has been trading the Market for 24 years. His support and resistance numbers have been published on the internet since 1996. Mike's nightly support and resistance zones are specific and incredibly accurate. He offers an unlimited free trial of his nightly TradeStalker RBI Trader's Updates. | forex trading | full service & online futures trading

Trade Signals

Tradesignals provides systematic trading systems and analysis to professional and private futures investors using the Internet as a cost efficient delivery mechanism. This site currently publishes daily six trading systems and three types of futures studies. Tradesignals offers free trials of their trading systems including long term trend following, S&P mini day Trading Systems, and portfolio analysis.

JB Were & Son On-Line

Tradesignals provides systematic trading systems and analysis to professional and private futures investors using the Internet as a cost efficient delivery mechanism. This site currently publishes daily six trading systems and three types of futures studies. Tradesignals offers free trials of their trading systems including long term trend following, S&P mini day Trading Systems, and portfolio analysis.


Offers online futures trading to individuals, corporations, and trusts.

Six Figure Trader

C. A. & L. Bell Commodities Corp. Pty. Ltd.

Outlines company history and services Bell provide. Also has daily updated commentaries on Australian futures markets. Provides links to market prices.

Tokyo Commodity Exchange

TOCOM trades futues on gold, silver, platinum, palladium, aluminum, rubber, cotton and wool. Includes market data, contract specifications and a business calendar.

South African Futures Exchange

Safex seeks to provide the secure and efficient market for trading derivatives in South Africa. Through this focus, Safex has created and developed a market that is comparable with many of the world's major financial centres, at an incredibly low cost.

Sydney Futures Exchange

SFE announces a range of product and service initiatives designed to strengthen its position as one of the leading derivatives exchanges and clearing houses in the Asia Pacific region.

New York Mercantile Exchange

We are the world's largest physical commodity futures exchange, and the preeminent trading forum for energy, and precious metals, in North America.

Tokyo Grain Exchange

One of the leading commodity futures exchanges in Asia, the Tokyo Grain Exchange is a non-profit membership organization presently trading corn, Non-GMO soybean, U.S. soybean, azuki(red beans), arabica coffee, robusta coffee and raw sugar futures. Options on corn, U.S. soybeans and raw sugar futures are also being traded.

Malasia Monetary Exchange

The MME trades ringgit-based money market instruments. Includes an overview, rules and regulations, contract specifications, market statistics, and an education center.


The Treasury and Commodities Group is involved in activities ranging from commodity and futures trading, debt market trading and origination facilities, foreign exchange and strategic financial advisory and risk management services.

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