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Govt. Agencies
To improve the wellbeing of the Australian people, by providing sound and timely advice to the Government based on thorough analysis of options, and by assisting the Treasury Ministers in the administration of their responsibilities and the implementation of Government decisions.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics is Australia's official statistical organisation. They assist and encourage informed decision-making, research and discussion within governments and the community, by providing a high quality, objective and responsive national statistical service.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is an independent government body that enforces and administers Corporations Law and consumer protection law for investments, life and general insurance, superannuation and banking (except lending) throughout Australia. Our purpose is to reduce fraud and unfair practices in financial markets and financial products so consumers use them confidently and companies and markets perform effectively.
Australian Taxation Office.
The AVO is the Commonwealth's primary source of advice and information on valuations of real property, intellectual property and non-current assets.
The Division uses its influence to ensure consumers interests and rights are recognised and accepted in Australia.