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Directory > Australia > Precious Metals

Alkane Exploration NL

(ALK) NSW Gold miner and Australian mineral explorer.

Malachite Resources

Unlisted mineral exploration company specialising in the acquisition and exploration of gold and copper projects.

Australian Mining & Petroleum InfoPage

In the Mining & Petroleum InfoPage companies are listed with ASX codes in brackets. | online mini futures | forex trading

Oxiana Resources NL

International mining and exploration company with a primary focus on copper and gold.


Precious Metals Australia Limited (“PMA”) is based in Perth, Western Australia, and has been listed on the Australian Stock Exchange since 1988 (ASX Code: PMA).PMA’s core asset is the Windimurra Vanadium Project, located 600km north east of Perth, with the nearest town being Mt Magnet, Western Australia.

Commonwealth Bank Group

The Bank provides a comprehensive commodity risk management offering for base and Precious Metals. Our products allow both wholesale producers and wholesale consumers of base and Precious Metals to have more certainty around future revenues and input costs.

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