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Directory > Canada > Insurance

    Auto Insurance
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    Homeowners Insurance
    Life Insurance
    Shipping Insurance

Canada Life

Canada Life is an international mutual life Insurance company that serves more than six million people under individual and group contracts throughout Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. The core business is financial protection, accumulation of assets in the form of annuity, pension and investment products and financial and investment management.

London Life Insurance Company

London Life Insurance Company is one of Canada's oldest and largest life and health insurers, and is the number one provider of individual life Insurance to Canadians.

Allstate Canada

Find out which life Insurance product best meets your family's financial and security goals. Allstate agents are committed to keeping you informed about our products and services. They're there to listen to your concerns, understand your needs, and offer solutions to virtually all your personal Insurance rquirements. | online mini futures | forex trading

Life Insurance Quotation Express

Find out if you're getting the best rate possible from your insurer by having this company send you comparison quotes from more than 500 Canadian and U.S. insurers.

Equinox Financial Group

We provide a full range of financial planning utilizing the skills of out registered financial planners. We are also brokers of all Canadian mutual funds and Insurance products. We market out services to the public and also independent financial advisors in Canada.

IRIS Canada

Insurance referral information system. Linking consumers and brokers from all across Canada in a simple, secure and profitable format.

Cannon Trading

Your Insurance Brokers

A guide to Canadian life Insurance brokers across Canada who offer professional rate comparison services.

Lambert Insurance Ltd.

Offers complete Insurance services with two locations in Invermere, BC and Radium Hot Springs, BC to serve you better.

Insurance Corporation of B.C.

Auto Insurance specialist in British Columbia.

Allstate Canada

Find out which life Insurance product best meets your family's financial and security goals. Allstate agents are committed to keeping you informed about our products and services. They're there to listen to your concerns, understand your needs, and offer solutions to virtually all your personal Insurance rquirements

Life Insurance Quotation Express

Find out if you're getting the best rate possible from your insurer by having this company send you comparison quotes from more than 500 Canadian and U.S. insurers.

Your Insurance Brokers

A guide to Canadian life Insurance brokers across Canada who offer professional rate comparison services

Lambert Insurance Ltd.

Offers complete Insurance services with two locations in Invermere, BC and Radium Hot Springs, BC to serve you better.

Cover Me Canada

Health Insurance and Life Insurance in Canada.

Insurance Canada Inc., referred to throughout the site as "Insurance Canada," provides consumers and Insurance professionals with information about Insurance-related topics pertinent to Canada. As such, it offers Canada's largest online directory of Insurance providers and services, where to get online quotes, how to find special Insurance coverages, industry statistics, an electronic newsletter, information about upcoming events, reviews of Insurance-related services, question-and-answer sections and articles for both the consumer and Insurance professional, and much more.

Canada Protection Plan

At Canada Protection Plan, We are dedicated to providing Canadians with Insurance coverage that meets their needs at a competitive price. When the unexpected happens, it is our mission to quickly and compassionately ensure that our clients receive the services and benefits they deserve.

Allstate Canada

Learn what auto Insurance is all about. Allstate agents are committed to keeping you informed about our products and services. They're there to listen to your concerns, understand your needs, and offer solutions to virtually all your personal Insurance rquirements.

Zurich Canada

Zurich Canada is one of the country's leading providers of Insurance protection to Canadians, their homes and families.

Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance

Providing Canadians with protection for their homes, cars, and businesses - that's been our business for close to 150 years in this country

Grey Power Insurance Brokerage

Grey Power is a vibrant, innovative and progressive Insurance Brokerage, dedicated to serving the personal Insurance needs of today's mature citizen, age 50 and beyond. Grey Power's products include discounted Auto and Home Insurance, as well as specialty Financial Services designed with the mature market in mind.

Canadian Trade Commissioner Service

When shipping to a foreign market, cargo Insurance is strongly recommended. It is essential if the terms of sale require the exporter to arrange for Insurance, for example a C.I.F contract (cost, Insurance, freight). In any event, the cost of cargo Insurance is nominal in most cases, amounting to less than 1% of the value of the shipment and the freight bill.

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