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Directory > Europe > Hungary

AmCham Chambers of Commerce - Hungary

AmCham Hungary was established in 1989 by 32 founding companies and was the first such organization in Eastern Europe.

Citibank Hungary

One of the largest and most internationally minded banks in Hungary.

InterEuropa Bank

Bank offering retail and corporate banking, online service and information. | full service & online futures trading | forex trading


Full service banking to the top and upper-medium tier corporate, institutional and private segments. Wide range of investment banking, money market products and international banking services.

OTP Bank

Retail, corporate and private banking services.

Raiffesen Bank

Raiffesen Bank's strategic objectiveis to become predominant in the financial services market by providing comprehensive services to the public.
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International Chamber of Commerce

First national committee of the ICC in Central Europe. Represents most Hungarian companies.


One of Hungary's leading credit institutions as a truly international bank.

CIB Bank

CIB is a universal bank that has gained an influential role in the Hungarian financial market.

All information about insurances in cities and countries of the EU.

MFB Hungarian Development Bank

Invigoration of the Hungarian Economy, participation in regional development, management and medication of government and development funds, and raisinng funds in international markets.

CIA -- The World Factbook: Hungary

Hungary was part of the polyglot Austro-Hungarian Empire, which collapsed in World War I. It fell under communist rule following World War II. A revolt in 1956 and an announced withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact was met with massive military intervention by Moscow. In the more open GORBACHEV years, Hungary led the movement to dissolve the Warsaw Pact and steadily shifted toward multiparty democracy and a market-oriented economy. Following the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Hungary developed close political and economic ties to Western Europe. It joined NATO in 1999 and is a frontrunner in a future expansion of the EU.

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