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Directory > Europe > Slovakia

Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry

At their inception, chambers of commerce and industry were the first economic institutions with legal status in the territory of the present-day Slovakia that had their own self-governing bodies. For this reason, they played an important role in shaping the future economy of Slovakia.

Bratislava Stock Exchange

Stock exchange of Slovakia's capital.

Financial Market Authority

The FMA is responsible for state supervision of the capital markets. | full service & online futures trading | forex trading

Tatra Bank

Largest bank in Slovakia. Only bank to offer Western Union services.

Slovak Savings Bank

Ranks among the most important financial institutions in Slovakia. It is a commercial bank specializing in financial business.


Offers a wide range of services for ones financial needs.

Elle's Patio Furniture


Offers individual ervices that satisfy the demanding needs of corporations and individuals.

National Bank of Slovakia

The central and issuing bank of the Slovak Republic.

General city information.

Slovak Tourist Board

Travel information for the Slovak Republic.

Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic

Represents international businesses that have European ambitions.

Slovak Export Information Centre

The page offers a lot of information needed for export activities.

Slovakia Globe

Information on business, travel, sport, health and headlines. Powered by World News.

All information about insurances in cities and countries of the EU.

CIA -- The World Factbook: Slovakia

In 1918 the Slovaks joined the closely related Czechs to form CzechoSlovakia. Following the chaos of World War II, CzechoSlovakia became a communist nation within Soviet-ruled Eastern Europe. Soviet influence collapsed in 1989 and CzechoSlovakia once more became free. The Slovaks and the Czechs agreed to separate peacefully on 1 January 1993. Slovakia has experienced more difficulty than the Czech Republic in developing a modern market economy.

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